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The United States’ mental and behavioral health crisis is intensified by a lack of consensus around—and accountability for—what accessible, comprehensive, high-quality care looks like for mental and behavioral health services. To address this issue, senior health care executives in Health Evolution’s Roundtable on Innovations in Mental and Behavioral Health over the 2024 Fellowship year explored how cross-industry leaders can hold the health care ecosystem accountable for achieving equitable access and high quality in mental and behavioral health care.

This focused inquiry led Fellows in the Roundtable to collaboratively develop a comprehensive accountability framework. The Principles of Accountability in Mental and Behavioral Health Care Framework establishes core principles and provides example questions, measures, and activities that a wide range of organizations can use to evaluate their policies, processes, and organizational performance in mental and behavioral health care delivery. It serves as a versatile tool for measuring accountability across various mental and behavioral health care settings, helping organizations identify potential blind spots and promote systemic changes that support mental and behavioral health equity.

The framework is designed to spark meaningful discussions, encouraging health care leaders to look upstream, foster collaboration, and develop concrete strategies to improve mental and behavioral health outcomes for those they serve.

Access the framework here:

We hope this framework will serve as an effective tool for catalyzing change and enhancing mental and behavioral health care access and quality across the health care ecosystem. We thank all of the participants in Health Evolution’s Roundtable on Innovations in Mental and Behavioral Health for providing valuable input and guidance to create the Principles of Accountability in Mental and Behavioral Health Care Framework.

We also extend special thanks to our Innovations in Mental and Behavioral Health Corporate Members for supporting this work:


Walgreens logo

Nomi Health logo

Health Evolution’s Sade Taylor and Ashley Antonelli led the research and analyses that served as the basis for this framework.

Ashley Antonelli

Senior Manager, Executive Communications

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